Monday 2 September 2013

Ever felt unappreciated?

Today I find myself in the uncomfortable position of feeling unappreciated.  While I'm sure that's not completely true it's something I'm finding myself wrestling with.  Moreover, there's this niggling little voice in the back of my mind that keeps saying "you shouldn't feel like that because you're doing it for God.  He knows and that should be enough".

But the truth is - it's not.

So often, I think we use this kind of false thinking to release us from giving people credit where credit is due.  We have this warped idea that if we thank someone publicly they'll become arrogant.   Or perhaps we just forget the sometimes extraordinary efforts people have made after the work has been accomplished.  There are probably more complex reasons than these as well that are deeply embedded in our individual and collective cultures.  But for me, the reasons we don't recognise achievement are kind of irrelevant.

As I write this I'm very conscious that I might sound like I'm having a whinge.  That's not my intention. I really want to highlight something that can be uneccessarily hurtful and 100% avoidable.

I work and live in a culture where sacrifice is expected. I'm good with that.  I believe that it's important in growing my faith and my leadership.  Humility is also an intrinsic characteristic of good leadership.  But I have a nagging feeling that what I'm challenged by  is not about those things.

Not acknowledging people's effort does not help them to become more humble.  It just makes them bitter - and less inclined to be involved next time!

You see, this isn't about praise for an outcome that was God's doing all along.  It isn't about glorying in personal accomplishment. It isn't about receiving a reward.  It's simply about recognising when someone has done their best - regardless of whether we personally value what they were involved in - and acknowledging their effort and their obedience, particularly when it's in the face of adversity or when they're breaking new ground.

I know that God appreciates all that I do in order to introduce others to Jesus and to help others grow in their faith.  I know that he appreciates all that other people do as well!  And I hope that as I engage in ministry and have opportunity God would use me to encourage those who feel unappreciated.  I pray that I will have eyes to see the effort they put in, the sacrifices they make and that I would cheer them on!