Monday 7 March 2011

Baby Christians

It's amazing to think how quickly children are growing and learning.  As their rate of development speeds up we fear what is to come next.  How fast is too fast?  What exposure to media and 'the world' is too much? As parents, these questions create anxiety and even fear.  But there are some great opportunities that come along with rapid development as well...

I was so blessed to hear from a friend of mine this morning who was excitedly ringing to tell me that her 23 month old son had accepted Jesus into his heart.  It was wonderful news.  But it really made me stop and think.  Is that possible?  What if he doesn't understand what that means? Can he understand what that means?  I asked her to tell me how it happened.

She told me that she had been reading the bible to him each night, and each night she asked him if he wanted Jesus to come into his heart.  Every night he emphatically replied "No." Until last night.  Last night was different. Last night it was emphatically "Yes!"

Now I don't know that this little boy can understand the implications of his decision.  I don't know that he can comprehend the life-changing magnitude of God's commitment to him.  I'm not even sure how his little life will change in any outward sense at the moment.  But I am sure that this little boy knows Jesus loves him - and he knows that he wants to be close to Jesus.

Children of this age trust what their parents trust.  They believe what their parents tell them and show them.  They love as their parents love.  We need to be real with them about our faith. 

In Deuteronomy 11:18-19 it says:
18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 19 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

We can't do this if our relationship with God isn't genuine, if it doesn't invade every area of our lives.  I am so thankful that my friend has a living breathing relationship with Jesus.  I'm so glad that this little boy has a family who pray, read their bible, talk about spiritual things and encourage each other in their journey.  I'm so grateful that Jesus is as much a part of their lives as breathing.

And I'm overjoyed that before he can even string a complex sentence together, my little friend has grasped and accepted the most important biblical truth.

Jesus loves him.  And he loves Jesus right back.

1 comment:

  1. this is so awesome - And now I hope his parents and church continue to nurture that very sincere faith. In our church we once decided to try a small group approach to kids church and I had the honour of teaching the under 5's what an awesome time they had - this age group are so trusting that God is real - I was truly humbled and privileged to be able to work with these children
