Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The best label maker ever!

Labels.  They're everywhere.  TV shows have rating labels.  Food has nutrition labels.  Machinery has safety labels.  People have labels too.  I have at least five of my own that spring to mind immediately.  These are things that people would say I am.  I have an officer label, a mother label, a sister-in-law label, a daughter label and a friend label.

The thing is that there are other labels people use that may not be so helpful.  These are the labels that aren't simply descriptive of a role or responsibility.  They may not even be accurate.  They may be out of date.  Some of them were never right to begin with.  These are the labels that hold us back.  They mess with the plans God has for us and they limit the way we see ourselves and each other.  Not to mention the fact that they hurt and can often carry with them shame and guilt.  Some of the labels that come to mind include "promiscuous", "addict", "criminal", "stupid", "no good", "class clown", the list goes on.

I'll give you another more subtle example.  I also carry the labels "outspoken" and "wife".  Now on their own they appear fine.  Put them together and depending on your theology, your cultural background and your own hang-ups they can be not so fine.  They can carry judgement.  They can steal confidence.  They can create doubt about God's purpose for your life.

Yet when we come into a relationship with God he says in his word that he will give us a new name.  (Isaiah 62:2)  A new label if you like.  He says that we are are made into new people.  (2 Corinthians 5:17)  He promises us a new purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11) 

Romans 12:2 says:
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
As we are transformed, we find that God can use those old labels for his honour.  He can turn negative, untrue or even shameful labels into stories of victory that give others hope and confidence.  He can change the way we see those old labels.  What once condemned us becomes a testimony of God's grace.

The thing is, we need to be aware of these labels and the effect they have on us.  We need to keep close to God and know when to own the label, when to rip it off and throw it away, or when to slap a "grace" sticker over it. 

We also need to make sure we don't start being a human label maker ourselves, putting a label on people according to our views, our understanding or our attitudes.  This is particularly true of the young people we influence.  What we say to them has a massive effect on the way they see themselves and the world they are a part of.  We need to encourage, equip and inspire them through the language we use.  And we need to demonstrate actions that back it up. 

After all is said and done... the only label I want on me is a "This person belongs to     Jesus   " one.  Unlike my kids' clothes I won't get lost.  But it's nice to know there's someone who'd keep looking until he found me if I did. :)

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